Brilliant to visit the Maidstone repair café in Maidstone’s Market Hall at Lockmeadow this Saturday. There was a wonderful array of talent in action, bringing life and purpose back to goods, appliances and chattels that had been on our personal household scrap heaps awaiting disposal. From textiles to teddy bears and from computers to clocks, these knowledgeable and skillfull volunteers were there to help families save money as well as rescuing yet more landfill from our precious environment. https://www.facebook.com/groups/maidstonerepaircafe/
There is another well-established branch of this great initiative in my constituency – the Malling and District repair café – which also operates monthly, alternating between East Malling and Larkfield. Go here for more https://mallingrepaircafe.co.uk/
Alongside the Maidstone repair team in the Market Hall were members of the Maidstone Climate Action network, a great group of people dedicated to working together to tackle the climatic and ecological challenges of our times. The repair café is just one of their great initiatives and there are so many more that we can all become actively involved in.